The stunning Vriesea Splendens also known as the Flaming Sword has stunning dark green foliage with an upright orange/red/pink flower. A great focal point for your room or indoor planting display.
Watering and Maintenance
- This plant is a easy to grow in bright indirect light.
- Good drainage is important to prevent root rot.
- Water once per week and make sure there is no standing water.
- Mist the leaves regularly to maintain humidity for this plant.
- Dust the leaves regularly to clear the pores and reduce the chance of disease giving you healthy foliage.
- Repotting: Best to re-pot the plant every 3 to 5 years into a larger pot.
- Plants To Your Door Tip: Only water when the soil feels dry and repot every 3 to 5 years to give the roots space to grow and allow the plant to mature.